Local Candidate for the ​cromarty firth ward



Tina McCaffery

Welcome to my campaign page!

I’m running as an independent candidate for Invergordon, Alness, and ​Evanton. Having lived in Invergordon for over 20 years, I’m deeply ​rooted in our community. My two sons attended Newmore Primary ​School and Invergordon Academy, and both live locally with their ​partners and my four wonderful grandchildren.

I’m a qualified teacher, assessor and lead iqa and proud to run a multi-​award-winning aesthetics and beauty teaching qualification centre in ​Invergordon, where I’ve demonstrated a proven track record of ​getting results for clients and students.

I successfully led the fight with many in the community against the ​incinerator project, enlisting the help of Al-Fayed without whom we ​would have undoubtedly lost the battle.

I’m running as your independent candidate because I believe in ​strong, local leadership focused on real results and have a proven track ​record in getting results for the community.

Join me in making our community an even better place to live.

Special Interests

As a former community councillor for Invergordon, I helped with street ​cleanups, Christmas lights being put up and taken down, I organised the ​Christmas Fayre as well as organised for the Stilt people involved, amongst ​many other things I have been involved locally.

I am also the leader of the Invergordon First Responders, I’ve always been ​committed to serving our community, donating my time and services FREE ​OF CHARGE as a first responder, such as the Invergordon Street Fair and ​the Fete and Party that the Place in Alness held recently.

I have success fully over the years raised money for the STV appeal which is a ​hugely worthwhile cause.

During Covid I donated £500 to buy IPADS for local vulnerable children.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I established the Invergordon and Alness ​Community Response team, ensuring that our shielded and vulnerable ​residents received daily hot meals, groceries, and prescriptions.

Community Issues


In a recent poll I conducted on FB ​Potholes and the state of the roads ​came out as a top concern receiving ​over 430 votes.

If elected I will get the council to ​examine the various budgets and see ​where money can be redirected to ​roads for Invergordon, Alness, ​Evanton, Saltburn and Ardross


Weeds are a problem all over our ​communities from the high streets to the ​side streets and schemes.

Invergordon has a huge problem and this ​is something that needs to be addressed ​urgently.

If elected I will look at securing funds to ​employ someone who can deal with these ​issues.


This is an issue that needs further ​public consultation and transparency.

If elected I will ensure there is not only ​public consultation but a debate to get ​it onto the Capital Programme.

Our children deserve a school where ​they can thrive, grow, and feel secure.

Local Healthcare Access

The communities of Invergordon, Alness, and Evanton are currently facing significant challenges in accessing healthcare services. ​Residents have expressed growing concerns about severe delays in securing appointments at local GP surgeries, with many people ​waiting far longer than is acceptable for medical consultations. Compounding this issue is the limited availability of face-to-face ​appointments; the majority of consultations are conducted over the phone, which can be inadequate for those needing thorough medical ​assessments.

A critical factor contributing to these problems is the shortage of resident General Practitioners (GPs) in the area. Many local surgeries are ​heavily reliant on locum doctors, who are brought in to fill staffing gaps but do not offer the continuity of care that comes with permanent, ​resident GPs. This situation has led to frustration among residents, who feel that they are not receiving the consistent and personal medical ​care they need.

Furthermore, the waiting lists for hospital referrals and treatments are alarmingly long. Patients requiring specialist care or more intensive ​medical attention are facing extended delays, which can exacerbate their conditions and lead to unnecessary suffering.

Proposed Action

If elected, I will prioritize addressing these healthcare issues by initiating discussions with the NHS and local surgeries. My goal is to ​explore and implement solutions that will improve access to timely and effective medical care for all residents. This includes advocating for ​an increase in resident GPs, expanding the availability of face-to-face consultations, and reducing hospital waiting times. By working ​closely with healthcare providers and the NHS, I aim to ensure that the communities of Invergordon, Alness, and Evanton receive the ​quality healthcare they deserve.

Local Services

Residents of Invergordon, Alness, and Evanton have recently experienced significant disruptions and frustrations with local ​services, particularly regarding waste management. The introduction of a new bin collection service, intended to streamline waste ​disposal, has unfortunately led to numerous issues. Many residents report confusion over the new collection schedules, resulting ​in some cases in missed pickups and overflowing bins.

Additionally, the local bottle banks, which are crucial for recycling efforts in the community, are often full to capacity. This problem ​has been ongoing, with residents frequently finding the bottle banks overflowing, making it impossible to properly dispose of glass ​waste. The persistent issue of full bottle banks not only hinders recycling efforts but also poses a risk of littering and unsightly ​messes in public areas.

If elected, I will make it a priority to address these local service issues by engaging with the council and waste management ​teams to ensure that the bin collection service operates smoothly and reliably. This includes reviewing the current schedules, ​increasing communication with residents to reduce confusion, and ensuring timely pickups. Additionally, I will work to ensure that ​the bottle banks are emptied more frequently to prevent them from reaching capacity. By tackling these issues head-on, I aim to ​improve the overall quality of local services and enhance the cleanliness and livability of our communities.

Milnafua Hall

A Legacy and a Challenge

Milnafua Hall was a beloved local landmark, situated in the heart of Milnafua with a rich history of serving the community. Over the ​years, it was a hub for gatherings, events, and social activities. However, due to a variety of issues, the hall had fallen into disrepair, ​requiring significant work to restore it. Compounding the problem was an unpaid electric bill that further complicated efforts to keep ​the hall operational.

In response to these challenges, a dedicated group of community members, along with a project officer and former councillor Pauline ​Munro, worked diligently to try and secure funding for a new building. Despite their hard work and commitment, they encountered ​numerous stumbling blocks that hindered progress.

Tragically, in the summer of 2024, a fire completely destroyed Milnafua Hall, bringing all efforts to a halt. This devastating event has ​left the community without a central gathering place and has put the future of a new hall in question.

Pauline Munro who recently stepped down as our local councillor and worked tirelessly on this project has ensured that the Alness ​Partnership continues and is actively making moves to take the project forward.

If elected, I am committed to working closely with Pauline Munro and Val, councillors and the Milnafua community to ensure that we ​secure a new building for the area. Together, we can rebuild and create a new space that will continue the legacy of Milnafua Hall ​and serve future generations

Green Free Po​rt

Inverness and Cromarty Firth Green Freeport is a partnership of organisations working together to create a a Green Freeport in the ​Highlands.

The primary objective is to maximise the local benefits from a pipeline of renewable energy projects which will create business ​opportunities and employment, attract inward investment, research and development, and position the Highlands at the heart of the ​country’s commitment to becoming a net-zero economy.

The Green Port initiative is an exciting development that offers funding opportunities for local communities through their ​Sponsorship program. This program provides a chance for local groups to apply for financial support for community projects, with ​plans to launch in the autumn of 2024. Such an amazing initiative should also be committed to giving back to the community, ​ensuring that local benefits are at the forefront. If elected, I will work to ensure that local groups can successfully secure these funds ​and that the initiative truly contributes to the well-being of our community

T​ourism Tax

Tourism Tax in the Highlands

The proposed tourism tax in the Highlands is set to apply only to hotels, not to camper vans. This distinction is important because ​attempting to impose the tax on camper vans would be both difficult to enforce and unfair to local residents who travel in their own ​vehicles. Policing and collecting such a tax from camper van users, many of whom move frequently and often camp in remote ​areas, would pose significant logistical challenges.

The tourism tax is expected to generate much-needed revenue, estimated between £5 to £10 million annually. These funds could ​be directed towards essential services and infrastructure improvements, such as maintaining and upgrading our roads, which are ​heavily impacted by the influx of tourists. By focusing the tax on hotel stays, the plan aims to ensure that the funds are collected ​efficiently and fairly, contributing to the sustainable development of the Highlands without placing undue burden on local residents.

If elected, I will work closely with other councillors to ensure that when this tax is implemented, the funds are allocated in a way that ​directly benefits our communities. Together, we can make sure that the revenue generated is used to support vital local services ​and infrastructure improvements that enhance the quality of life for all residents.

T​ank Farm Invergordon

The tank farm in Invergordon has finally been demolished, marking the end of a significant chapter in Invergordon’s history. While ​this change has sparked considerable speculation about the future of the land, there are still many uncertainties. The land, owned ​by the Bannermans, has not yet been confirmed for any specific plans, and the Highland Council has not been informed of any ​proposals.

One of the key concerns is the potential contamination of the site. If the land is found to be contaminated, the cleanup could cost ​around one million pounds, or alternatively, it could be left to remediate naturally over a period of ten years. Given these ​uncertainties, it’s important to note that the land has been zoned for industrial use in planning terms.

If elected, I will ensure that there are full and transparent public consultations so that the community has a voice in the process and ​doesn’t end up with a development that they don’t want.


There are many issues affecting our communities, and while I haven't been able to address them all here, I am committed to ​being accessible and responsive. I will hold weekly surgeries where you can share your concerns and discuss any issues that ​matter to you.

I will also ensure my active participation in Community Council meetings, where much of the important work and discussions ​take place.

Although I wasn’t born locally, I have lived in this community for over twenty years, raising my family and dedicating myself to ​the communities well-being. During this time, I have successfully served as a community councillor for three terms, chaired the ​successful campaign to stop the incinerator, and established the COVID response team, which provided meals, shopping, an​d support to those who were vulnerable and shielding. Additionally, I set up the Invergordon First Responders, who resp​ond to 999 ​c​alls within our community, this all shows that I have a proven track record and when action is needed I will get it done!

If elect​ed, I will bring this same passion and commitment to my role as your l​o​cal councillor, ensuring that you, your family, and the entire community are ​h​eard and that meaningful actions are taken.


On Thursday, 25th September, I ​kindly ask for your support.

Please cons​i​der casting your vote for Tina McCaffery as your 1st or 2nd choice. Together, we c​a​n make a difference for our community.

Published by Tina McCaffery 107 High Street Invergordon IV180AB - Hosted by Canva